Spanish coordinator of farmers and livestock breeders (COAG)

Madrid, Spain

COAG (Spanish coordinator of farmers and livestock breeders) as the main representative entity of the farming sector in Spain, is constituted by 100,000 professional farmers and has 200 offices throughout the territory of Spain, plus a representation permanent office in Brussels. This structure allows us to satisfy the demands and needs for information, advice and knowledge of those interested in participating in different activities.

COAG is a non-profit-making organisation, so all its activities are aimed to defend the farmer’s interests. COAG is a state-level entity incorporating professional organizations (19 representing all Spanish regions) of farmer unions, livestock farmers as or foresters, owners of farms or agricultural businesses.

COAG serves as a link between their members and the scientist and research world and has a fundamental role in the exchange (not only transfer) of agricultural knowledge from and to farmers. For that purpose COAG uses all its resources and available instruments, including mainly the technical-scientific qualification of their staff and the management capacity of the continuous training that are a priority in the organization activity.

COAG is member of the two main European farmers organisations COPA-COGECA ( and European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) COAG coordinates the ECVC Innovation Area and represents this organization in the Permanent Subgroup on Innovation for agricultural productivity and sustainability of the European Network for Rural Development, which helps to define the activities of the EIP AGRI.

COAG is also a perfect organization to disseminate results of a project. For instance, COAG, through its territorial unions, disposes a strong editorial group that reaches the Spanish collective of farmers and ranchers. We have active social networks too (@COAGInnova – 2.000 followers, @La_COAG – 11.500 followers). But also, COAG can collect farmers’ needs as an input for a project or activity.

Álvaro Areta