
WeLASER > Conferences


Merve Wollweber

Laser applications for sustainable plant production

IIRB – International Institute of Sugar Beet Research; online seminar

Göttingen, Germany

4 May 2021


Giuliano Vitali

Internet of Things (IoT) in Environmental Physics

Societa Italiana di Fisica- 107 National Congress

Bologna, Italy

13-17 September 2021


Merve Wollweber

Thermische Beikrautbekämpfungstechnologien für die konservierende Bodenbearbeitung“ (Technologies for thermal weed treatment in conservation soil cultivation)

Fortbildung Pflanzenbau 2021, Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen, Bildungsseminar Rauischholzhausen (Online seminar)

Schloss Rauischholzhausen, Ebsdorfergrund, Germany

9-10 November 2021


Merve Wollweber

Unkrautbekämpfung mit dem Laser“ (Weeding with lasers)

4. OptecNet Jahrestagung

Hanover, Germany

24-25 November 2021


Christian Andreasen, Mahin Sabari, and  Ildar Rakhmatulin

Weed control with laser beams using autonomous vehicles: pros and cons

World FIRA 2021

Toulouse, France

7-9 December 2021


Jesus Herrera, Luis Emmi, and Pablo González-de-Santos

Enabling navigation for autonomous robots in early-stage crop growth

World FIRA 2021

Toulouse, France

7-9 December 2021


Merve Wollweber and Tammo Ripken

Laser Weeding – A New Technology for Sustainable Weed Management

SLPC2022 -The 4th Smart Laser Processing Conference at Optics & Photonics International Congress (OPIC 2022).  Yokohama, Japan

18-22 April 2022


Christian Andreasen, Ildar Rakhmatullin, Mahin Saberi and Zixiao Zang

Weed control with laser beams: an ecofriendly alternative to herbicides and mechanical weed control

4th International Conference on Photonics Research”

Muğla, Turkey.

April 22-28, 2022


Christian Andreasen, Mahin Saberi, Karsten Scholle, and Pablo Gonzalez-de-Santos

Laser Weeding with an Autonomous Vehicle

19th European Weed Research Symposium, “Lighting the future of Weed Science”

Athens, Greece.

20-23 June 2022


Luis Emmi, Jesus Herrera-Diaz and Pablo Gonzalez-de-Santos

Toward Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation in Early-Stage Crop Growth

ICINCO 2022: 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics

Lisbon, Portugal

14-16 July  2022


Luis Emmi, Rebeca Parra and Pablo Gonzalez-de-Santos

Digital representation of smart agricultural environments for robot navigation

HAICTA 2022: 10th International Conference on ICT in Agriculture, Food & Environment

Athens, Greece

22-25 September 2022


Duc Tran; Joachim J. Schouteten; Margo Degieter; Janusz Krupanek; Wanda Jarosz; Alvaro Areta; Luis Emmi; Hans De Steur; Xavier Gellynck.

Can autonomous vehicles with laser treatment be the future of weed control in Europe? A pestle review and SWOT analysis

17th International European Forum (Igls-Forum*) (186th EAAE Seminar) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks (Oral presentation)

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

13-17 February 2023


G. Vitali, E. Magnanini and M. Arru

Measurement of surface respiration: An IoT approach

IL NUOVO CIMENTO 46 C (2023) 147

72nd SIF National Congress – The Italian Society of Physiology

16 February 2023


Margo Degieter, Duc Tran, Hans De Steur, Xavier Gellynck, Joachim J. Schouteten

A systematic review of farmers’ adoption and willingness to adopt field robots and unmanned aerial vehicles.

17th International European Forum (Igls-Forum*) (186th EAAE Seminar) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks (Oral presentation)

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

13-17 February 2023


Duc Tran; Margo Degieter; Joachim J. Schouteten; Xavier Gellynck; Hans De Steur.

Farmers’ preferences for laser weeding treatment

Annual conference of Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (SGA), (Oral presentation)

Zurich, Switzerland

20-21 April 2023


Margo Degieter; Hans De Steur; Duc Tran; Xavier Gellynck; Joachim J. Schouteten.

Determinants of farmers’ adoption of robotics and drones: A systematic review

Annual conference of Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (SGA), (Poster presentation)

Zurich, Switzerland

20-21 April 2023


Margo Degieter; Duc Tran; Hans De Steur; Xavier Gellynck; Joachim J. Schouteten

Exploring Farmers’ Perspectives on Laser-Based Weeding

23th BAAE PhD Symposium Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics

Ghent, Belgium

7 June 2023


Duc Tran; Margo Degieter; Joachim J. Schouteten; Xavier Gellynck; Hans De Steur.

How do farmers prefer laser-weeding? A pan-European survey

14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA), (Poster presentation)

Bologna, Italy

2-3 July 2023


M. Wollweber

Laser safety during laser-based weed control with autonomous vehicles

14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA), (Poster presentation)

Bologna, Italy

2-3 July 2023


Margo Degieter; Duc Tran; Joachim J. Schouteten; Xavier Gellynck; Hans De Steur

Farmers’ Attitudes Towards Laser Based Weeding

XVII EAAE Congress (Poster presentation)

Rennes, France

29 August – 1 September 2023


Scholle, K, Schäfer, M, Kaule, M, Gieselmann, A, Fuhrberg, P

High power 2 μm wavelength fiber laser for precision weeding

14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA), (Poster presentation)

Bologna, Italy

2-3 July 2023


Ruth Cordova-Cardenas, Luis Emmi, and Pablo Gonzalez-de-Santos .

A mission planner for autonomous tasks in farms.

The Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT 2023) 

Coimbra, Portugal.

22-24 November 2023.


Andreasen C., Vlassi E., Johannsen K.S., Salehan, N., Colque-Little C.

Weed control with a 2 µm fiber laser beam: The effect on some annual and perennial weeds.

The 28th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference (APWSS 2023)

Phuket, Thailand. P. 168.

26-29 November 2023


C. AndreasenI. Rakhmatulin; M. Saberi; and Z. Zang

Weed control with laser beams: An eco-friendly alternative to herbicides and mechanical weed control

Proceedings of the 3rd International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress & Exhibition AIP Conf. Proc. 2924.

22–28 April 2022, Fethiye, Turkey


Vitali G., Arru M., Fernandez R., Lattanzi P., Emmi L., Fragasso C.

An IoT e-fence for agri-robots

14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA), (Poster presentation)

Bologna, Italy

2-3 July 2023