Instytut Ekologii Terenów Uprzemysłowionych (IETU)

Katowice, Poland

Instytut Ekologii Terenów Uprzemysłowionych (The Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas) (IETU), Katowice, Poland was established in 1972 as branch of the Institute of Environmental Protection in Warsaw, independent body since 1992 is an R&D unit acting under the Ministry of Environment. IETU has a wide experience in development of environmental policy, strategic management and policy tools for sustainable development at different levels for the needs of national and regional authorities and businesses. Our key areas of expertise include waste management, resource efficiency, transformations of urban environment, diagnosing and prognosis of the state of environment, microbiology, phytoremediation.

Since 2005 IETU is involved in activities aimed at bridging the gap between research and businesses in support of ecoinnovation coordinating Polish Platform of Ecoinnovation, Scientific Network on Environmental Technologies (ENVITECH-Net) and playing an active role in implementing ETAP/ECOAP in Poland and the EU Pilot Porgramme of Environmental Technologies Verification in Poland, Europe and globally. At regional level, we cooperate closely with Silesian Cluster of Environmental Technologies, Sliesian Cluster of Waste Management and Regional Network of Municipal Waste Consultants. These activities allowed us to build an extensive network of stakeholders. Recent area of IETU activity is focused on verifying the performance of ecoinnovative technologies and assessing their environmental added value. IETU has been actively co-operating with R&D units, academia and governmental bodies at home and internationally. IETU staff consists of 72 members including 49 scientists which are experts from disciplines relevant to environmental management, waste management, spatial planning, environmental policy and instruments. IETU has a long track record-term experience in EU projects including participation in consortia of over 50 EU projects which proves our competence in collaborating in international consortia.

Janusz Krupanek